marketing 101 for writers

“Writing is a solitary endeavor, but being an author is a very public endeavor. It requires a willingness to go to events, a willingness to do social media, a willingness to get the word out about your book in any and every way possible.”

— Jane Friedman

Here’s the reality: book sales happen online.

If you want your work to be seen, consumed, bought, shared, and sold, this is the tough love truth: you have to be online as an author. You have to market yourself and your work.

But that doesn’t mean it has to be hard, tedious, generic, or time-consuming.

so we know being successful means being online, but…

Social media channels. Author bios in your profiles. Trending audio. Email lists. Building your author brand. Securing a URL for your website. Building an author platform. Designing a newsletter. 😵‍💫

If all of this makes you feel like you want to crawl under the covers and never come out…

I get it.

Old-school marketers have long held this world in their grasp: pushing people aggressively to get sales. Jamming 84 emails into the inbox of a “prospect” in one week just to make their quota (and spoiler alert: that way of doing things is incredibly ineffective).

Sometimes it feels like the online world is one big, overcrowded mall with people standing outside every store trying to corral passerby’s into their store.

In a word: YUCK.

here’s the secret. The big difference between that kind of marketing, and the kind that feels good (and works well):

It’s not just about understanding what marketing is, it’s about the way you market your book that marks the line between an amazing, effective platform and a mediocre one.

So if you…

  • Actually aren’t even totally sure what marketing means — and at this point, you’re too afraid to ask.

  • Know you’re supposed to be on social media and have an author website and a newsletter but you don’t understand how to do any of those things…and what the purpose of each is.

  • Have tried posting on social media and you aren’t getting anything in return – no follows, no one clicking on the link in your bio.

  • …are now thinking “Wait, we definitely need a link in our bio then?”

  • Want all the marketing stuff to be super easy and straightforward so that you can get back to what you love — writing.

Marketing 101 for Writers is perfect for you.

After completing the course, you’ll go from “I don’t know anything about marketing, but I know I need to do it for my book to eventually sell” to…

  • Having a clear marketing strategy so you understand exactly what to post and why.

  • Using a sustainable content creation system so you can batch your work for social media and email (saving you hundreds of hours and a ton of energy).

  • Authentically connecting with the readers who are searching for books like yours and authors like you.

  • Totally getting that marketing can (and should) be easy, effective, creative, and fun — not something to dread, and definitely not something that needs to take up hours of time and brain space.

Each module is filled with video lessons, walking you through every aspect of book marketing from start to finish.

Plus, each lesson has downloadable worksheets, exercises, checklists, calendars, resource lists, and more to help you get started on your marketing journey easily and effectively.

You get all of this for only $347.

here’s what’s inside:

Module 1: Understanding the blueprint

Before you can implement an efficient, easy marketing plan for your book, we’ll cover the basics so you have a working idea of marketing. At the end of this module you will know exactly what marketing is, how it differs from branding (and why you need both), who your ideal reader is, what your author brand is, what your goals are, why email is such an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to building connections with your readers, the difference between a homepage and a landing page, and more.

Module 2: Laying the foundation

Now we get into the good stuff. We’re past the discovery part of the process and into decision-making. In this module, we’re laying the foundation, brick by brick, to get everything set up and in place. At the end of this module you will confidently choose your author platforms, your content pillars, your social media channels, and where you want to build your website. You understand the pros and cons of each and are ready to start connecting with readers. This is where the fun begins!

Module 3: Building brick by brick

So far, we’ve covered the education pieces of the puzzle: you have all of the information you need for book marketing in one place. Now, Module 3 is all about implementation. At the end of these lessons, you will be ready to send your first email, build out your content calendar, batch prep your content, and understand how to continue to build your online author brand in a way that’s simple, efficient, and creative. You’ve set yourself up for success, and moving ahead, you are able to market your work effectively on social media, understand how to track your success (and when to make adjustments to your marketing plan), and how to continue building your email list. Marketing becomes fun, balanced, and easy.

to recap:

This course is a detailed, no-jargon explanation of everything you need to know about marketing as an author. It includes downloadable worksheets, exercises, and checklists to help you set you up for success. Plus, inside is the framework and structure you crave — so marketing becomes a breeze, and you can get back to doing what you love most: writing.

enrollment opens on november 1, 2023


enrollment opens on november 1, 2023 *

You don't have to break the bank, spend thousands of dollars for conferences, and you don’t have to get lost in hours of mind-numbing videos just to figure out how to rock the book marketing game.

this One, $347 course covers it all.

bonuses *just* for you

In addition to the value of the Marketing 101 course ($1497), here’s what you’ll receive:

52 weeks of author newsletter ideas

Save time and energy coming up with weekly newsletter ideas by using this year-long content calendar (a $295 value). Instead, spend that time getting back to what you love most: writing.

Goals, strategies, tactics, metrics (GSTM) worksheet

The GSTM worksheet comes from my time working with pro teams (a $99 value): it’s a simple, effective way to put pen to paper on what you’re hoping to accomplish and exactly what you’re going to do to achieve those goals.

Content calendars

Jumpstart your marketing with this social media calendar, filled with 30 days (plus five bonus days) of impactful content that will resonate with your ideal readers (a $147 value).

Plug-and-plug lead magnets

Lead magnets are key to connecting with readers and building your email list. Here you’ll find lead magnets (a $297 value) already created for you: whether you’re sharing a bonus chapter, a character playlist, or a behind-the-scenes peek at your WIP.

time management: Quick-start guide

In this quick-start guide (value $97), you will walk through six steps to manage your time effectively, overcome procrastination, and unleash your creative genius — no matter how many other commitments you have on your calendar.

favorite marketing resources

Skip the search time with this curated list of tried-and-tested resources for your marketing journey (a $47 value): email marketing, design, analytics, even automation.

that’s a total value of over $2,400.

but you can enroll for just $347.

Here’s how it works:

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • This course is for you if…

    • You want to publish your book (whether that’s through traditional publishing, self-publishing, or indie)

    • You have a book written and are looking to connect with your target audience before querying.

    • You have an idea for a book but haven’t yet started outlining or drafting. (Hint: marketing works at any stage, but it’s supercharged in these beginning stages of your writing journey).

    Basically, if you’re a writer working on a new book or already a published author, this course is for you!

    Understand marketing, having a plan in place that’s easy to execute, and a strategy that makes the process FUN for you is key to success.

  • Absolutely! You can make one payment of $497, two payments of $249, or six monthly payments of $89.

  • This is the best time for you to start!

    Understanding marketing is incredibly beneficial for a writer who hasn't published their book yet, and it's super important to start thinking about it even before your book is published (we’re talking 12 months prior, at least). Here are a few specific ways this course will help you right now, even if your book isn’t finished yet:

    1. Understanding and defining your ideal reader: Marketing helps you identify and understand your ideal reader or ICA. It's like knowing who's coming to your party so you can plan the right playlist.

    2. Building a platform: We know that writers need to build a platform or online presence. This can include a website, blog, social media profiles, or an email list. The sooner you start, the more time you have to grow and engage with your ideal readers.

    3. Branding: This course will help you create and establish your author brand. This includes your unique voice, style, and the image you want to project to your readers — the unique vibe that’s all authentically you.

    In essence, marketing is all about connecting with your readers and making your book discoverable. It's an essential skill that can complement your writing talents and increase the chances of your book's success.

    If you still have questions that aren’t answered here, feel free to send me an email at

so…writers can get a grip on marketing without feeling totally overwhelmed?


With 15+ years of marketing experience, I cut my teeth in that super sales-y world. Aggressive “bro” marketing ran rampant in sports, where I spent the majority of my early career. It was a tough start in the industry — years before Sarah Thomas became the first female NFL referee in the 2015. But in that time…

  • I learned what worked and what absolutely did not.

  • What people resonated with, and what caused them to decline extended contracts, choose another agency, or just click unsubscribe.

But I also learned how to make marketing FUN, light-hearted, and breezy: not stuffy, aggressive, and tedious.

I learned (and went on to show my own clients) how to do marketing right. How to introduce yourself as an author to the world, create awareness about your work, how to build a loyal, engaged reader base, and yes — how to sell your book.

and now, I’m going to show you.