1:1 book coaching


Join the waitlist

Click the link below to be added to my waitlist. My next expected opening for 1:1 coaching is June, 2024.

“I wish someone had told me earlier that this is how good writing can feel.”

C. Brown

Does this sound familiar?

  • You have a fantastic idea for a story, but no idea how to get that idea onto the page.

  • You want to write a book — maybe you’ve even attempted it before — but nothing seems to tie together the way it does in your head.

  • You feel like you’ve tried everything: podcasts, books, workshops, conferences, writing groups…and yet, you still don’t have a first draft.

  • You know you have it in you to create a beautiful novel, one that you’re proud of, and one that is good. But the entire process feels totally overwhelming and you don’t even know where to begin.

  • You’re fighting against self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or writer’s block. You’re just…stuck, with no clear way forward.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Imagine what it would feel like instead, if…

  • You have a customized, crystal-clear roadmap in front of you, so you never have to worry about what to do next.

  • You woke up every day so proud of the story you’ve created.

  • You feel excited, inspired, and confident every single time you sit down to write.

  • You received personalized feedback on your work at every single stage of the process.

  • You’ve created a consistent writing process that works for you.

  • You have someone you trust to brainstorm with, to talk through your ideas, and deepen your understanding of craft.

  • You’re getting closer and closer to a finished draft — that previously far-fetched dream is finally within your grasp.

Because here's the thing…

Writing a novel is hard work. Going at it alone is even harder. But with a book coach by your side, you have a pro right there with you, supporting you through the process so you can write the book that’s been waiting, impatiently, inside your soul.

The truth is that in years past, editors at the publishing companies would work directly with writers. They would do the work that a book coach does now: helping them through revisions, tightening their manuscript until it was ready to be published.

But times have changed, and now, that staff and support is gone. If you’re submitting a manuscript to an agent, it needs to be completely polished.

A book coach gives you your best shot at writing the novel of your dreams and getting it published.


I need this. Let’s do it!

Click the link below to be added to my waitlist. My next expected opening for 1:1 coaching is June, 2024.

coaching packages

step 1: planning

When you have an idea for a book but don’t know where to begin…

One payment.

step 2: drafting

Once you’ve completed Step 1 and are ready to write the novel of your dreams…

Billed monthly.

step 3: revising

When your discovery draft is completed and you’re ready to dive into revisions…

Billed monthly.

If you want to…

  • Fall back in love with the writing process

  • Create a consistent, sustainable, enjoyable writing habit

  • Finally write the book that’s in your heart (because believe me, it will stay there, getting brighter and more impatient the longer you wait)

  • Understand story structure and craft so you can write a novel that works

  • Build a healthy relationship with that critical voice in your head

  • Learn to trust yourself and your writing instincts

1:1 book coaching is for you.

curious exactly how a Book Coach can help you achieve your goals? keep reading…


One of the biggest challenges for any writer is staying motivated and disciplined. It's so easy to get lost in the vast sea of distractions – social media, Netflix binges, or (let’s be totally honest) staring blankly into space. But a book coach holds you accountable. We’re your writing BFF, checking in on your progress, and making sure you stay on track with your goals. It's like having a personal trainer for your writing muscles, keeping you fit and in shape.

Individual guidance

As writers, we can be (and often are) our harshest critics — getting tangled in self-doubt and imposter syndrome comes naturally. "Am I good enough? Will anyone even want to read my book?" These questions can gnaw at your confidence like angry little mosquitos on a hot summer day. But guess what? A book coach is there to squash those doubts and build you up. We’ve seen countless writers go through the same struggles, and we know how to nurture your potential and guide you into the confident, badass writer that you are at your core.

Tailored support

A book coach is like having your own personal Ted Lasso at your side. We’re here to say, "You can do it! You just have to believe!" But we’re also here to guide you through the murky waters of writing, to provide constructive feedback, and help you develop your unique writing style and voice. We cheer for your successes and give you a gentle nudge when you need to tighten up your plot or flesh out your characters.

Sure, you can join a writing group or attend workshops, but a book coach offers that personal touch that makes all the difference. We tailor our guidance to your specific needs and help you work on the areas where you need the most improvement. It's like having a writing mentor, cheerleader, and friend all rolled into one.

A personalized roadmap

Maybe you’re struggling with writer's block. We've all been there, staring at a blank page, feeling utterly clueless about what to write next. It's like your creativity decided to go on a vacation without telling you (so rude). That's where a book coach comes in. We’re seasoned pros who've tackled writer's block — over and over (and over) — like a boss, and we know exactly how to unleash your creativity and get those words flowing again.

Or, perhaps it’s the practical side of publishing that’s challenging you. It can be a treacherous maze, and navigating it without a map can leave you feeling lost and frustrated. But we know the ins and outs of the publishing world and can guide you through the process, from polishing your manuscript to finding the right literary agent or publisher.

What my clients are saying:

— D. Wood

“Make the investment in Kelsey’s services…it will be one of the best decisions of your writing career.”

— K. Zarcone

Kelsey sets you up with the knowledge and insight to have a successful career on your terms.”

Frequently asked questions

  • That’s totally okay. Let’s talk about it! Click here to schedule a 30-minute discovery call and we’ll walk through your questions together.

    Prefer email? Send me a note at hello@kelseyevanswrites.com instead.

  • Yes, at this time I only work with fiction writers.

  • Absolutely! I would recommend beginning with a Manuscript Evaluation to get to the heart of what’s working in your story — and what can be improved. Spots for manuscript evaluations will open again in January 2024.

Okay, I’m ready!

Here’s the thing: writing is a journey, and having a book coach as your trusty co-pilot can make the ride so much smoother. We celebrate your victories, commiserate with you during the tough times, help you grow as a writer — and, most importantly, help you reach your goals. So, if you're serious about making it as a writer and want that extra push to reach your full potential, click the link below. Your future self will thank you!